Monday, September 20, 2010

How the heck am I gonna teach this science stuff?

As a "teacher in the making," I'm feeling a bit hungry for information and resources that will help me figure out how the heck I am going to teach science to children. As someone who is just coming to the understanding that I actually enjoy science, I'm feeling a little like I'm going to be learning and discovering cool stuff right along with the kids.

I do think this is good in somes ways, afterall, we want to show enthusiasm and excitement as a teacher so that our students will feed off our energy, but at the same time, I need to be able to credibly come off as an expert, so I'm going to need some help!

Here's a few sites I found on the web:

Activities, Worksheets, and Lesson Plans (Oh My!): This site is meant for upper elementary and middle school teachers. It contains some really practical, useful materials that are sure to come in handy.

Who doesn't love PBS? This incredible site is organized by grade level and subject but also includes a really great community where you can talk with other teachers, share ideas, get information about professional development, what's new and innovative, where to buy cool stuff, etc. GREAT site!

And just for some fun, I found the blog of Richard Wiseman from the University of Hertfordshire in the UK. He's a psychologist, magician, and author and posts daily on quirky mind stuff. Have a look around if you're feeling the need for something inspiring and cool!


  1. Debi,

    I really like the websites you picked, but the one I really like is PBS (obviously everyone LOVES PBS)! But it is really neat because there is a teacher discussion board! Teachers can share anything they would like and also respond to each other too! Feedback is always a plus! Also, it includes everything you would EVER need to know! The "What Darwin Never Knew" seems really interesting and caught my attention immediately. I think it might make a good Friday night movie if I do say so myself :) Thanks Debi!

  2. Debi,

    I love your websites. They are so resourceful for teachers and also for students. I especially love the PBS website because I love PBS and remember watching that channel all the time when I was a child. :)

  3. I can almost feel the excitment eminating from you. Remember we are all learning here.
